Our Little Homestead

This place has been in my family since about 1970.  I can remember coming out to see Grandma and Grandpa and how much fun we would have exploring the old cemetery across the road or venturing up into what we call the “upper 70” to check the cows and see Grandpa’s new, prize bull.

My grandmother, Helen England Finley. Not only did she make sure we were able to get this place, but she was my mentor as a businesswoman.

Thankfully, we were able to purchase the house and land and hope to keep it in one piece for our family and future generations.

It’s a Process

Fences need mending and ponds reworked, but we take each day one day at a time and use what we have.  As a matter of fact, my mission is to encourage others to do the same.  Start where you are and move forward. That’s really at the heart of having a homestead anyway. (And, remember what I always say. Your homestead is where your heart is and you don’t have to live on acreage or raise animals to have one.)

We have a variety of farm animals including our registered Charolais herd, dairy goats, chickens, geese, and horses. Yes, it is quite the menagerie around here, especially since the chickens and geese are free ranging.  (We also have Jack Russell Terriers.)

We are so thankful for our livestock guardian dogs (LGD), too. Without them we wouldn’t be able to protect our animals. One thing is for sure, though, no one can pull up into our driveway without us knowing it.

Below, you will find some of my favorite pictures of our animals.

I don’t have a big garden right now. Instead, I’m purchasing from other producers. If you have downloaded one of my free guides, you’ve heard me say that we get to choose which pieces of this natural lifestyle we want to infuse into our “homesteads”. Bonus: I get to support a local farmer while spending my time in areas I’m focused on based on my current goals.

I do love growing herbs and have a little garden outside of my window. I’m sure that is no surprise if you know me at all. My garden is in the ground, but one tip I love to share with those that are interested in gardening is to start out small with container gardening.

So, to recap, having a homestead doesn’t necessarily mean that you have a garden or raise livestock… or even own land. You can, but you don’t have to. Yes, we are blessed to have this place, but in the end I believe we are to make the most with what we have today and make the most of it.

I think we tend to get overwhelmed with all of the choices out there and just quit before we even get started good. Find something you enjoy and start there. For me, it was growing those herbs I mentioned above.

As a matter of fact, I have a guide that shows you how to take those herbs and make your own salves and balms. Knowing how to make herbal remedies is a homesteading skill, by the way.

Continue Learning

I would love to help you figure out a way to get started on your own journey to natural health. Together we can come up with a plan that will work for you and not overwhelm you. I love answering questions about anything you’ve learned from my guides or online presence.

There are several ways you can continue to learn from me.

Or, event better…Join our Community that is NOT on social media!

Until next time, stay well and be blessed!


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