Our Homestead

This place has been in my family since about 1970.  I can remember coming out to see Grandma and Grandpa and how much fun we would have exploring the old cemetery across the road or venturing up into what we call the “upper 70” to check the cows and see Grandpa’s new, prize bull. Thankfully, we were able to purchase the house and land and hope to keep it together for future generations.


Fences need mending and ponds reworked, but we take each day one day at a time and use what we have.  As a matter of fact, my mission is to encourage others to do the same.  Start where you are and move forward.

We have a variety of farm animals including  our registered Charolais herd, dairy goats, chickens, geese, ducks, and horses.  Our oldest daughter also raises Gypsy Cobs!  Yes, it is quite the menagerie around here, especially since the chickens, ducks, and geese are free ranging.  One thing is for sure, no one can pull up into our driveway without us knowing it.  With all of these animals we need livestock guardian dogs.  We prefer the Great Pyrenese breed.  Also, for hunting purposes, and well just out and out fun, we also raise Jack Russell Terriers.     ~Deborah


My favorite thing about this picture are the two puppies running up behind our son as we are taking the picture.

Buddy “hitting the hay” after a long night’s work.

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